How We Began...
In 1975, a group from Frostburg United Methodist Church in Frostburg, Maryland, traveled to Kentucky to participate in a work camp. Upon their return, they began to see a similarity of housing needs and shared their concern for their own community.
Their minister at the time, Reverend Tom Kaylor, had recently seen a spiritual need with the youth he worked with and shared a vision of providing both a supportive Christian program for the youth and home repair for area residents in need.
Under the direction of Reverend Tom Kaylor and through the hard work of many committed people, the vision of CAMP HOPE became a reality in the summer of 1977.
Who we are today...
CAMP HOPE, Inc. is an independent organization serving Allegany County Maryland and the surrounding areas. Each summer, around 400 youth and adults from various churches and denominations repair between 55 and 60 homes during a four-week period. We have been serving the area for over 40 years!
The impact of CAMP HOPE is felt by everyone involved. The church youth and adults say the experience enhances their personal relationship with God by providing hands-on mission work. Many youth return year and year.
The individuals and families served receive home rehabilitation, home winterization, and safer homes, as well as an experience of Christian fellowship and also gain new hope for the future.
The CAMP HOPE vision is kept alive by the many volunteers and home owners as well as a committed Board of Directors, Administrative & Projects Director Charlie Yarnall, Program Director Amy Willis, Secretary Linda Brumage, Projects Assistants Jim Mullan and Craig Hartsock, and several supply drivers and camp counselors. Without all of these dedicated individuals, CAMP HOPE would not be the thriving organization that it is today.